Monday, January 4, 2010

The first step is always the Hardest

You know when there is so much to do, you quite often just dont know where to start? Trying to work out where to begin is the hardest part. Diet? Exercise? Starting simple and then moving on to something a bit more complicated?

History reminds me that 'Mondays' always seem like a good day to begin. Or the first of the month. But why are these days so good? Seriously - they're just the same as any other day. So I guess thats the first step - dont wait til Monday. Or even tomorrow! Start today. Start right now.

So - as of right now I am starting. No wait.... nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnow!


And the next decision to make, is what kind of diet is best for me? Low fat? Low or high carb? Low calorie? Low Sugar? Low or high protein? Atkins? Soup? Jenny Craig? Weight Watchers? Anything else?

For me personally I dont have the time nor the energy for counting calories, weighing foods, counting almonds or in-depth meal plans. So I want something else to take the work out of the diet for me. The last 6 weeks I've used (CK) with some success so I plan on continuing to use it. The best thing about CK is that I dont have to count, I dont have to weigh, I dont have to do anything really. Just enter the food/drink that I've eaten and exercise that I've done, and it works it all out for me.

Anyone who already uses CK feel free to follow my diary - YummyMummyWannabe

The biggest question that I've got so far, is why am I keeping such a public diary about my weightloss? Well I feel the need to be accountable. I have a responsibility to my children to raise them to have a healthy relationship with food, but unless I get my own issues sorted out then I will never be able to teach them properly.

So currently I'm sitting on 111.2kg. My ultimate goal weight is 74kg, so I have 37.2kg to lose (not 50 like I first thought). My mini goal is 108kg :)

I have grand plans to learn how to jog as well - I have downloaded Couch to 5K (C25K) onto my iPhone, so once I have a pram that is suitable to jog with I plan on beginning that.

So here we go!!! New lifestyle, New Body and New Me - here I come :)

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