When your so used to munching, snacking and chewing, its so hard to just break the habit and. stop. Just. Stop.
But what if I dont have to stop? What if I can find an alternate way but 'better' way to continue what I'm doing? Baby-steps, right? Well, there is air-popped popcorn. Mmmm - yummmmm - popcoooooorn! Or, I could always just eat lettuce leaves all day and splurge on a massive piece of cake!!! Or, I could just eat sensibly and make sure that the cake that I'm eating is still within my calorie intake.
What is more important? Counting the calories or balancing my food? Is the kind of food I eat just as important as the amount of food? What is more important - quality or quantity?
For now, I think that quantity is more important. My meal sizes have been vastly over-sized for far too long, surely just eating LESS of the same food will automatically reduce my calorie-intake without even trying to change too much! Baby-steps, right??
So rather than filling up the dinner plate to overflowing, I'm going to concetrate on what I'm putting on my plate. I'm going to eat until I'm no longer hungry, rather than til the plate is empty. I'll attempt to reduce portion sizes first, and then I'll concentrate on quality.
Day 3 and doing okay.
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